Saturday, June 27, 2009

Minute Clinic to the rescue!

Despite the many green monsters I have been religiously slurping down for the past couple weeks, I've been feeling terrible! So, yesterday I skipped out on work a little early and headed for the Minute Clinic at CVS. Let me just tell you, the Minute Clinic is a life saver!

Since moving to DC last year (I can't believe it's already been a year!), I've come to realize how lucky I was with doctors back in PA. True, they didn't attend the most prestigious universities or engage in cutting-edge research, but they were always available in a pinch and gave you the time and attention that you need when you're feeling under the weather. I just recently got a primary care physician (~ 3 months ago), but remembering how long I had to wait to see him (about 2 weeks), decided I should check out the Minute Clinic instead.

I originally went thinking I had a sinus infection and actually contemplated leaving before the nurse saw me, but decided to stick it out. I always feel bad because I think that they are going to think I'm a wimp and tell me to just get rest, etc., because nothing is really wrong with me. I don't know why I feel that way, because I tend not to go to the doc's unless I'm REALLY under the weather. Clearly, I need to stop doubting myself a trust my body a little more since I was diagnosed with a sinus infection AND an ear infection. I got some giant horse pills (antibiotics) and have been feeling loads better since taking my first pill last night. Unfortunately, not well enough to get a workout in today.

I'm a terrible patient. I get so angry and impatient when I'm not feeling well. I don't want to take a time-out on life! I'm missing out on a trip to King's Dominion with my friends today (sinus infections and upside-down rides don't mix), and had to nix a run with one of my best friends who is moving across the country very shortly. PLUS I haven't had any physical activity since Monday. It's driving me a little loco. Hopefully, I'll be feeling well enough to get a run in tomorrow. Cross your fingers!

I think some laundry, reading/studying, and maybe a little pool time is on the docket for today. I also need to go drop off the clothes and shoes my roommate and I want to donate. Yay for cleaning out closets AND helping the needy!

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